We use the power of Football and Storytelling to help children and young people stay on track, educate, up-skill, overcome challenges, be inspired, and discover possibilities to create lasting impact in their lives, those of their family, and their community.


Fobeworld: For a Better World

Founded in 2016, we are a sport and art-for-change development non-profit organisation, committed to fulfilling the needs and advancing children’s rights and equality for girls. We help children and young whose support structures are weak or almost non-existent in the DRC, due to the effects of violence and poverty caused by war by using football and cinema as catalysts to help them stay on track, receive education, up-skills, overcome challenges, inspire them, and discover possibilities that can create a lasting impact in their lives, their families, and their community.


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GBVs & HTP s

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Sexual & Productive Health

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Mental Health

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Youth Developement

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Peace and Social Cohesion

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Mental Health

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Life-saving arts and sports-for-change programs.

Empower children and youth through football and storytelling. Promote mental health, peace, and social cohesion. Inspire education, and prevent abuse, gender-based violence, harmful traditional practices, and diseases.



Guiding the path, we harness the influence of football and storytelling to drive social transformation.


Fervently amplifying the transformative impact of our programs, and becoming catalysts for inspiring social change.


Visionaries who believe in the power of sport and art to bring about meaningful social change.

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